Key Competencies

The Key Competencies are a set of life skills that children learn and improve on as they get older. Some children will still need some support or reminding and we can all have an off day but these are the skills we are working on.


I can ask a question and know how to find the answer
I  I know there are different ways to solve a problem
I think for myself and express my opinion
I think about and reflect on my work
I can use a variety of tools to show my thinking/ideas
I think about the connections between actions and consequences (Cause & effect) in my learning.

Participating and Contributing

I actively engage
in situations
I am part of
I participate in games/discussions

I set myself personal challenges

I can be independent

I can overcome shyness

I make the most of opportunities
I try to extend myself

I have a go

I ask questions

I take responsible risks/am not afraid to make mistake

I show commitment in all that I do
I persevere

I give 100% effort

I follow through on a task

I do it the first time

I take on leadership roles within groups, class and school


I can communicate clearly using language, symbols and texts
I understand different ways of communicating thoughts and ideas
I present my ideas, thoughts and information in a variety of ways
I think about my audience when communicating my ideas

Relating to Others

I accept differences in people and opinions
I listen respectfully.
·    I am respectful of people’s ideas and accents.
·    I am willing to work with all peers, irrespective of age or gender.
I do not make judgements, stereotype or criticise others.
  I think about how my actions affect people
·     I know when to compete and when to co-operate.
·     I take on different roles appropriately.   
I     I negotiate and am open to new learning.

I include others
·   I work well with everyone.
·   I make an effort to include others.
·    I accept that everyone is different but that enhances our team.
I use my manners
I say please, thank you and excuse me.
·    I use a polite tone of voice.
·    I am socially aware, reading situations before I interrupt.
·    I listen actively and recognise different points of view.
·    I interact effectively.

Managing Self

I am confident to
take risks
I am not afraid to get things wrong and learn from my mistakes.
I am prepared to attempt new tasks even if not feeling confident about it.
I am socially confident and know how to deal with problems.
I can say no if I don’t agree with something that someone wants me to do if I know it is wrong.
I set challenging goals.
My leaderships skills are developing.
I use my initiative and common sense.
I am a good role model and can lead a team of younger children.
I am supportive of my peers.

I am independent
I can remember routines to follow.
I sort out my own social conflicts but know I can seek help when necessary.  
I can make sensible choices and decisions.
I am able to work alone and ask for help when needed.
I am able to set realistic and achievable goals, monitor them and reflect on them.

I manage my time effectively
I complete tasks on time to the best of my ability.
I arrive to school on time, am back in class soon after the bell and go to the toilet/eat at morning tea/lunch.  
I can choose a sensible learning task when I have finished.
I understand there are consequences if not managing my time effectively.

I set high standards
for myself
I persevere and give 100% all of the time, taking pride in my work.
I set goals, try to meet the, reflect on them and set others.
I know what level/stage I am at and what I need to do improve.
I ask questions to further my learning.
My desk and appearance is neat and tidy.
I can follow examples for setting out work/books.

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